Annual Review Conversation (ARC)

The Annual Review Conversation (ARC) is an opportunity for staff to have a discussion with their line manager, focusing on everything they need to thrive at work. Building on regular one-to-ones, the conversation is designed to be meaningful and constructive, recognising ongoing contributions and planning for the future based on individual and departmental needs and aspirations.

At the centre of the Annual Review Conversation is the conversation. The process has been set up to support that conversation to be as effective and efficient as possible rather than get in the way of it, so you may need to adapt the process to meet your needs.

  1. Start the process by completing the ARC Preparation Form.
    You may wish to download this PDF version of the ARC Preparation Form - Questions List to assist you. However, this document should only be used to prepare for the online Form and should not be used in its place.
  2. Have your Annual Review Conversation with your manager.    
  3. Make sure the ARC Outcome Form is filled out with all the actions from the conversation, and share this with your manager.

For a more in-depth, step-by-step guide, see the checklist for both Individuals and Managers.