Easy End of the Year Teacher Gift
At the end of each year I like to get my daughter's teacher a little something to thank them. These educators have poured hours of love and hard work in to making the year memorable and successful.
But I'm not going to lie, this is a busy time of year for us (and most people). While I want give her something nice and useful, I really need an easy end of the year teacher gift. Usually I find myself scrambling the night before to put the finishing touches on the gift.
However, this year I managed to get them done three days early. I posted a picture on Instagram and received several DMs and e-mails asking for the gift tag. I thought it might just be easier to put together a quick blog post and share with you.
This easy end of the year teacher gift can be as inexpensive or expensive as you'd like for it to be. I love giving gift cards because I want the recipient to get what they want/need. Target is one of my favorite places to give gift cards to, especially for teachers at the end of the year. They can use the gift card to get something they really wants or needs, supplies for the classroom, or to help financially over the summer.
If you've ever been a teacher, you know that the period of time between exhausting your summer checks and the start of next year's paychecks can be a pretty sticky situation.
This article, along with many other articles on The Printable Princess website, contains Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase through the links I earn a small commission. We only share links to things that we love.
What You'll Need
Giving gift cards can seem impersonal so I like to put a little something with the gift card to help that. I personally love fancy cups. Teachers get enough mugs – but I don't know of a teacher that wouldn't appreciate a nice quality {and cute} cup.
You will always find me drink in my hand (it's water…what were you thinking?!) and since it's hot during those summer months; it seems like the perfect occasion for a cup. I bought the cups at Target, but found the exact same one on Amazon in case you're in a pinch.
I put a little bit of gift basket filler at the bottom of the cup and then filled the rest of the cup by using two bags of M&Ms (the kind you get in the check-out lane at the store) and the Target gift card.
The gift basket filler and the cellophane wrap came from the Dollar Tree but here's the gift basket filler and these cellophane bags on Amazon which would work perfectly, again if you're in a pinch! I bought the school theme ribbon at Target awhile back; but this school theme grosgrain ribbon on Amazon would be just as festive.
Gift Tag Freebie
Of course the last thing you'll need is the gift card tag. Just print and cut it out. I punched a hole in the tag and attached it with some cute ribbon.
Click on the image below to download the gift tag and you'll be all set!
I hope this easy end of the year teacher gift will help make your to-do list easier! If you put this gift together, I'd love to see it! Tag me (@theprintableprincess) on Instagram or send me an e-mail (theprintableprincess@gmail.com)